Sunday, September 28, 2008

Why I’m voting Lembit Opik

I’m told that in the fourth coming elections for party president Lembit Opik does not have the support of the party’s establishment. Dam good thing in my view. The role of the President is to represent members interests not the establishment. I’m voting Lembit all the way.


James Graham (Quaequam Blog!) said...

They aren't the fourth - they're the eleventh presidential elections.

Anonymous said...

Good for you - he needs every vote he can get! Now let's try and work out just why anyone with a modicum of sense would not vote Lembit O'Prick. Would it be because of his tendency to pose with slutty women in photos? ( let's face it, the Cheeky trollop thing was a HUGE and laughable mistake ) Or could it be because of his numerous unfunny performances on TV, from making a twat of himself when he laid into Hislop on Have I got News for You to his horribly aggressive performance with the much brighter Sian Lloyd on Celebrity Millionaire, not to mention his embarrassing appearance on The Apprentice et al. Perhaps it's his love of a red wine or six that bothers the party hierarchy? Perhaps it's other things?? Because the sad truth is that with Lembit O'Prick you just don't know what he's going to do next. He's a veritable car-crash with so many closets in the cupboard, as a fair few of us know. And I wonder when these stories will come out? Before the next general election? If he got the presidency?? We vote this idiot in and by implication we become a laughing - stock, forever having to make excuses for him. In short, LO as president would be a total disaster for the credibility of the party