Thursday, November 27, 2008

The publication of the BNP list is wrong, immoral and ill liberal

It’s no secret that I find the views of the British National Party (BNP), unacceptable, racist and immoral. Not for nothing did I end up being put on a far right hit list called Redwatch and warned I would end up with a bullet in my head if I did not stop my academic research on the BNP. That said, I have been asked by a number of people what I think about the publication of the BNP membership list on the Internet?
My views are very simple: I find it unacceptable that people should be harassed and persecuted simply for belonging to a party, no matter how distasteful that party is. In a democracy people have a right to belong to which ever party they like, without having their personal details put on the internet. To do so is to persecute somebody for their political beliefs. I’m a Liberal – I’m against that sort of thing.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Lancashire Police still trying to cover up racist crimes.

I had a visit from Lancashire police today – they are still failing to take my complaints of racial discrimination/harassment seriously. I was accused of being an extremist for heckling the BNP, I was accused of expressing support for suicide bombers, simply because I wore an Arabic headscarf, (I am a quarter Arabic) and two people said, they would not be surprised if I came to work with a bomb strapped to my shoe. Lancashire Police will not investigate this racial harassment, but I will pursue it until they do.