Thursday, September 2, 2010

Wendy Outhwiate QC deletes (or sombody with acess to her e-mail deletes) my e-mail about racial harrassment and HMRC sacking me for being an extremist for heckling the BNP without reading! Also included in my e-mail was Dave Hartnett (HMRC board), and Ian Painter from HMRC Solicitors Office. What does this tell you about HMRC and how they will missue public money to charge sombody for heckling a Neo Nazi party like the BNP at a peaceful anti racist protest. For the record Wendy Outhwiate QC is cited as a witness that HMRC did racially harrass me and HMRC did missuse public money to charge me with being an extremist for heckling the BNP.

Need I say more.

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