Would you speak out if you knew Her Majesty Revenue and Customs had misused thousands of pounds of public funds to charge you with being an extremist for heckling the British National Party at a peaceful protest in Burnley? Would you refuse to drop your case with the Civil Service Commissioners if you were warned by HMRC you would be sacked if you did not? If your wondering why I did then perhaps when you've read these internal letters, reports, and e-mails you’ll understand.
Friday, June 24, 2011
Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs investigators admit in secret HMRC document to switching off tape and having discussion with a member of staff before switching it on and getting him to put in false sexual allegations against Andi Ali- after HMRC had charged him with being an extremist for heckling the British National Party - a vile Neo Nazi group which seeks to remove all non-whites and Jews from the Civil Service and country as a whole. As you can see, the investigators also discuss the BNP. Case with Below this is a copy of HMRC’s own guidance rules which states that tapes must not be switched off at any times during interviews. No explanation from HMRC as to why their investigators were switching off tapes and encouraging staff to put in complaints against Andi Ali when they switched the tapes back on. Lancashire Police Hate Crimes Unit.
Internal Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs transcript shows Tony Smith (HMRC Manager) telling HMRC investigators that he never heard Andi say he supported sucide bombers, he just assumed he did, because he wore an arabic headsscarf. HMRC upheld Mr Smith's complaint. They also upheld the complaint he was an extremist for heckling the British National Party (BNP) at a peaceful protest outside of work. Case with Lancashire Police Hate Crimes Unit.
HMRC Charged me with bullying HMRC employee Tim Fisher after he claimed I bullied him at work on Wednesday 1 October, 2003 after Fisher had put in a complaint around the same time HMRC accused me of having extreme political views for heckling the Neo Nazi British National Party (BNP). Below is my timesheet which shows I was not even at work on that date so could not possibly have bullied Fisher. That did not stop HMRC upholding Fisher's complain - or the charge I was an extremist for heckling the BNP - a group which has sought to remove all non-whites from the Civil Service and country as a whole.
Part of an internal Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) transcript of HMRC investigators Dave King and Janet Robinson’s interview with Anthony Stansfield, HMRC Manager, dated 10 August 2004, were Stansfield makes false allegations against me, including sexual harassment, after HMRC informed me I was under investigation for holding extreme political views for heckling the Neo Nazi British National Party (BNP) at a peaceful protest out of work. The BNP being a party which has sought to remove all non-whites from the Civil Service and country as a whole. Case with Lancashire Police Hate Crimes Unit.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Letter from Tina Gallagher, Deputy Director of the Tax Credit in Northern Ireland for Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC), informing Tony Smith HMRC that I have lost my appeal against his complaint. Smith had complained that I had ‘extreme political views’ for heckling the British National Party (BNP) at a peaceful protest in Burnley. The BNP which has sought to remove all non-whites and Jews from the Civil Service and country as a whole. (This is the first time public money has been used by HMRC to prosecute anybody for having extreme political views for heckling a Neo Nazi group).
Friday, June 10, 2011
Internal transcript showing Nick Ivell (HMRC), telling HMRC Investigator, Janet Robinson, that the only thing that hurts Andi Ali is in his pockets, or that “he can’t use us to pay for his studies”. Now does this not show that HMRC staff were using internal HMRC grievance procedures to complaint about Andi’s studies on the British National Party (BNP) and wanted HMRC to sack him so he could not pay for it? Also note Robinson’s reply. “Yes, certainly we’ll note that in the report”. Case with the Civil Service Commissioners and Lancashire Police Hate Crimes Unit.
This clipping appeared on the White National Party's website in mid 2003. This lot is probably the same bunch who turned up at the Tax Credit Office in Preston and begged HMRC to sack me so I could not pursue my academic research on the BNP. As you can see, these Nazi's mention me by name and were looking for me specifically. Shortly after, HMRC charged me with holding e'extreme political views for heckling the BNP in Burnley, were the Neo Nazi's are in this photo. Can you see a link between the two?
Letter from Joan Moyle, HMRC Conduct and Discipline team, warning me all cards are on the table, including dismissal, after being found guilty by HMRC of holding ‘extreme political views’ for heckling the Neo Nazi British National Party (BNP) at a peaceful protest outside of work. I am the first Civil Servant ever to be charge and found guilty by HMRC (or any government department) of holding extreme political views for heckling the BNP. Given that the BNP are a vile Neo Nazi party, who have sought to remove all non-whites and Jews, from the Civil Service and country as a whole, I find it quite an honour to be the first Civil Servant to be found guilty and sacked by HMRC for heckling them. Whayyyyy
Letter from HMRC Chairman, David Varney, to Andi Ali’s then Member of Parliament, Dr John Pugh, were the Chairman of Revenue and Customs lies about why HMRC are charging Andi Ali with ‘holding ‘extreme political views’ for heckling the British National Party at a peaceful protest in Burnley. It was not because Ali spoke about his academic studies on the BNP at work (hardly a complaint matter even if he did), as Varney implies here. It was because a colleague complained he saw Ali on television heckling the BNP at a protest out of work. Case with the Lancashire Police Hate Crimes unit, and Civil Service Commissioners.
Letter from Andi Ali’s then Member of Parliament, Dr John Pugh, to David Varney, Chairman of Revenue and Customs (HMRC) noting similarities between allegations made against Mr Ali on Neo Nazi websites, and complaints made against Andi Ali by HMRC staff. This includes the complaint he had ‘extreme political views’ for heckling the Neo Nazi BNP at a peaceful protest in Burnley.
E-mail from Andi Ali to Neil Richardson (HMRC senior manger) informing him he does not deny raising concerns of inappropriate behaviour within the Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) under the Public Interest Discloser Act 1998 and calling HMRC Chairman Dave Hartnett as a witness. For the record, it is illegal for any employer to charge or dismiss a member of staff for making a discloser under the act. Case with Lancashire Police Hate Crimes Unit and Civil Service Commissioners.
Newspaper article dated 2005, discussing the harassment I was experiencing from Neo Nazi’s, because of my academic research on the British National Party (BNP). Not long after Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) upheld a complaint I was an extremist for heckling the BNP at a peaceful protest in Burnley, and sacked me.
Proof that HMRC switched tapes off during interviews and disucssed case with staff - after HMRC charged Andi with holding extreme political views for heckling the British National Party at a peaceful protest in burnley. Also, proof HMRC claimed Jo Lewis made false claims of sexual harrassment against Mr Ali during interviews. Case with Lancashire Police hate crimes unit.
Friday, June 3, 2011
Nick Ivell HMRC complaing to HMRC investigators (full report here) about my academic research on the British National Party (BNP) and making false allegtions of expressing support for suicide bombers. To understand why, read my autobiography Dead Paki Walking: A Study of the BNP - True story of how I ended up the number one target on a Neo Nazi Hit list because of my academic studies on the BNP
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This is an internal e-mail which proofs that I submitted complaints against Tony Smith and other members of staff prior to their complaints ...
I was told that saying you would like sugar in your tea to a female member of staff could be harassment (I kid you not) but when HMRC staff ...