Friday, August 20, 2010

Dave Hartnett, senior manger in Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs, likely to testify to Civil Service Commissioners that HMRC did charge Andi Ali with being an extremist for heckling the Neo Nazi BNP at a peaceful protest in Bunrley, and HMRC staff did falsely accuse Andi Ali of expressing support for suicide bombers because he wore an Arabic headscarf - which was Racial Harassment.

Dave Hartnett, permanent secretary for tax at HMRC, said "the department operated a zero-tolerance policy on racial discrimination". Hartnett has been cited as a key witness in HMRC 's charged that Andi Ali was an extremist for heckling the BNP, and that when Andi Ali wore an Arabic headscarf, he simply did so to show support for suicide bombers. Mr Hartnett will be asked TO EXPLAIN how that equates with his claim that "the department operated a zero-tolerance policy on racial discrimination"?


Anonymous said...

If you had spent more time doing the work they paid you for, less time on your politics, and stopped sexually harassing women maybe this "senior manger" wouldn't have sacked you. You're a discredited figure on the left now Andy Ali, as we all remember you trying to pull a female BNP member. Shameful. Just keep it in your trousers and go away will you?

andi ali said...

For the record,HMRC have admitted the allegations were false.....and made up by HMRC.. scroll down my blog and see.

As for being a discredited figure on the left - I don't think HMRC have admitted they were false, the question then arises of why HMRC and Neo Nazi's went to so much trouble to try and 'discredit me'.

OH- and HMRC have offered tens of thousands of pounds not to pursue this as a criminal matter but I have refused..... as Neo Nazis like the BNP have already found out. I don't give in to bullies.