Sunday, November 22, 2009

Tony Smith (HMRC) was the Civil Servant who compalined I was an extremist for heckling the BNP

A lot of people have asked, who the Civil Servant in Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs(HMRC) was, who complained I was an extremist for heckling the BNP at a peaceful protest in Burnley. Well the answer is Tony Smith, a manger at the Tax Credit Office in Preston. He said, he saw me on television heckling the BNP and I had extreme views. After Smith complained, HMRC charged, then prosecuted and eventually found me guilty of this ridiculous allegation. To use thousands of pounds of public money, prosecuting me for heckling the BNP, was misuse of public funds. This is one of the matters before the Civil Service Commissioners, and one of the reasons the Commissioners do not want to hear the case. Think about it. A government department using public money to charge somebody with being an extremist for heckling a Neo Nazi group and finding them guilty, unbelievable.....yet it happened.

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