Would you speak out if you knew Her Majesty Revenue and Customs had misused thousands of pounds of public funds to charge you with being an extremist for heckling the British National Party at a peaceful protest in Burnley? Would you refuse to drop your case with the Civil Service Commissioners if you were warned by HMRC you would be sacked if you did not? If your wondering why I did then perhaps when you've read these internal letters, reports, and e-mails you’ll understand.
Friday, December 31, 2010
This picture, taken at an Anti Nazi League protest in Burnley in May 2003, (and which appeared on the BNP hitlist Redwatch) lead to Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs (HMRC) misusing public money to charge and convict me with holding extreme political views for heckling the BNP at a peaceful protest in burnley, after staff said they saw me on television heckling the BNP and there could be no place in the civil service for anyone with those views.....HMRC also accused me of expressing support for suicide bombers after staff (the same staff) told them that the reason they thought i wore an Arabic headscarf (the same Arabic headscarf in the picture) was to show support for suicide bombers.....case still civil service commissioners
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Death of a Fascist -An Inspector McGowan murder mystery (publication date, May 1:2011)
The third Inspector McGowan Murder Mystery: The Irresistible Mrs White - publication date: July 7, 2011.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Civil Service rules (Chapter 20-2 Our obligations) “Civil Servants face legal if we don’t apply with equality and tackle race discrimination. Quite right. So why have the Police still not taken action against Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) for accusing me of expressing support for suicide bombers, because I wore an Arabic headscarf to work, and of holding ‘extreme political views’, for heckling the British National Party (BNP) at a peaceful protest?
Monday, December 13, 2010
Not everybody in Her Majesty's Reveune and Customs agreed with Tony Smith when he complained I had extreme political views for heckling the BNP at a peaceful protest in Burnley. There were,and are some very good people in HMRC - Paul Deeks, Jane Booth, Andy Burland. The best was Diane McGowan (HMRC Liverpool) who I have named Inspector McGowan after, in my fourth coming Inspector McGowan murder mysteries - a series of books set in and around Ormskirk were I grew up, below is the cover to the first book, Death of a Lesbian Nun, (release date April 14 2011).
Phil Davies put in this fake complaint at the same his friend Tony Smith complained I had extreme political views for heckling the British National Party (BNP) at a peaceful protest in Burnley. He also made false sexual allegtions but refused to report them to the police when I asked them too, like the rest of the cowards who made false allegtions against me. Making false sexual allegations is a criminal offence under for example the Protection from Harrassment Act 1997. The case is still with the police as is this document and others put on this site.
Here is the internal complaint by Tony Smith were he complains I had extreme political views for heckling the British National Party at a peaceful protest in Burnley. Mr Smith also complained I expressed support for suicide bombers, he later told HMRC investigators he never heard me say I supported suicide bombers, he just assumed I did because I wore an arabic headscarf. (I am half arabic) HMRC upheld this complaint despite the fact I told them that there is nothing extremist about heckling a party which seeks to remove all non whites from the Civil Service and the country as a whole.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Letter from Ann Chant to my then Member of Parliament admitting Jacqui Pye had never met me or heard me express any views. (This was after Pye had written a medical referral sugesting I had extreme politcal views, before her staff complained I had extreme political views for heckling the British National Party (BNP) at a peaceful protest in Burnley.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Friday, December 3, 2010
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Internal e-mail with Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs (HMRC) shows David Varney, Chairman of Revenue and Customs, being notified that Andi Ali was taking his case to the Civil Service Commissioners, after HMRC misused public money to charge and convict him of being an extremist for heckling the British National Party (BNP) at a peaceful protest in Burnley.
E-MAIL from Mark Barker Public and Commerical Union (PCS) to Richard Summersgill - was this the reason Barker and the PCS decided not to represent me when HMRC misused public funds to charge me with holding extreme political views for heckling the British National Party (BNP) at a peaceful protest in Burnley
Internal E-mail within Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs proving that I asked HMRC manager Mick Waidson, HMRC solicitor Ian Painter, and HMRC IG Civil Investigations to report allegations of criminal activities to the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) - after HMRC informed me that I was to face charges of potential misconduct - after I refused to keep quite about the fact that HMRC were misusing public funds to charge me with being an extremist for heckling the British National Party (BNP) and other criminal matters.....such as racial harassment
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Letter which proves that the then Chairman of Reveune and Customs (HMRC) David Varney, lied to my then Member of Parliament Dr John Pugh, about the reason HMRC was missusing public funds, to charge me with being an extremist for heckling the British National Party (BNP) at a peaceful protest in Burnley. (Please not that I no longer live at the address in the letter, and Dr Pugh is no longer my Member of Parliament)
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Monday, November 8, 2010
Question: if High Court Judges found ex MP Phil Woolas guilty of attempting to stir up racial tensions by falsely linking an opponent to Muslim extremists and knowingly making false statements about an opponent, then why are Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs not guilty of stirring up racial tensions against me when they did the same thing? See internal HMRC documents downloaded on this website for proof
Well done Elwyn Watkins the Lib Democrat candidate by pursuing this matter and taking it to court. You are proof that if you pursue an injustice and never let it drop, sooner or later justice will be served.
For more about the Elwyn Watkins story go here http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-11708723
For more about the Elwyn Watkins story go here http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-11708723
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Friday, October 22, 2010
Blog of a Civil Service whistleblower within Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs.(HMRC).: Dead Paki Walking: A Study of the BNP now availabl...
Blog of a Civil Service whistleblower within Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs.(HMRC).: Dead Paki Walking: A Study of the BNP now availabl...: "Go here http://bookshop.blackwell.co.uk/jsp/id/Dead_Paki_WalkingA_Study_of_the_BNP/9781453799499"
Sunday, October 17, 2010
My book Dead Paki Walking: A Study of the BNP is now out in paper back and you can buy this book by going herehttp://www.amazon.com/Dead-Paki-Walking-Study-BNP/dp/1453799494/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1287321296&sr=8-4
Product Description
During his investigations into the British National Party (BNP), academic researcher Andi Ali has come face-to-face with the brutal reality of racism in the UK. Threatened as a 'Dead Paki Walking' Ali has been beaten, stabbed and even abducted, and is included on the Neo-Nazi Redwatch hit-list. Ali s academic research in to the BNP has made him powerful enemies who have warned him to stop his activities. When he refused he was viciously assaulted outside Downing Street and left for dead. In Dead Paki Walking, Ali explains how his investigations started and of the means members of the far-right have taken to smear his name in order to stop his activities. As an autobiography, Dead Paki Walking is written in the first person and reads like a dark and sinister political thriller. The frightening fact is that the BNP are attracting an increasing number of supporters. If nothing else, Andi's book epitomizes the maxim 'know thine enemy'. This disturbing autobiography is a tale of one man's battle against racial intolerance, which Ali has fought everyday to uphold the liberal values in which he believes.
You can buy the book on amazon by going here http://www.amazon.com/Dead-Paki-Walking-Study-BNP/dp/1453799494/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1287321296&sr=8-4
During his investigations into the British National Party (BNP), academic researcher Andi Ali has come face-to-face with the brutal reality of racism in the UK. Threatened as a 'Dead Paki Walking' Ali has been beaten, stabbed and even abducted, and is included on the Neo-Nazi Redwatch hit-list. Ali s academic research in to the BNP has made him powerful enemies who have warned him to stop his activities. When he refused he was viciously assaulted outside Downing Street and left for dead. In Dead Paki Walking, Ali explains how his investigations started and of the means members of the far-right have taken to smear his name in order to stop his activities. As an autobiography, Dead Paki Walking is written in the first person and reads like a dark and sinister political thriller. The frightening fact is that the BNP are attracting an increasing number of supporters. If nothing else, Andi's book epitomizes the maxim 'know thine enemy'. This disturbing autobiography is a tale of one man's battle against racial intolerance, which Ali has fought everyday to uphold the liberal values in which he believes.
You can buy the book on amazon by going here http://www.amazon.com/Dead-Paki-Walking-Study-BNP/dp/1453799494/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1287321296&sr=8-4
Monday, October 11, 2010
Internal HMRC record written by Ian Wright HMRC showing that I did ask HMRC investigators to call senior mangers Dorothy Hesketh and Jacqui Abrahams as witnesses. HMRC never interviewed these vital witnesses because I called them and HMRC did not want to interview my witnesses which shows you how fair their investigation was.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Wendy Outhwiate QC deletes (or sombody with acess to her e-mail deletes) my e-mail about racial harrassment and HMRC sacking me for being an extremist for heckling the BNP without reading! Also included in my e-mail was Dave Hartnett (HMRC board), and Ian Painter from HMRC Solicitors Office. What does this tell you about HMRC and how they will missue public money to charge sombody for heckling a Neo Nazi party like the BNP at a peaceful anti racist protest. For the record Wendy Outhwiate QC is cited as a witness that HMRC did racially harrass me and HMRC did missuse public money to charge me with being an extremist for heckling the BNP.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
As we enter a new decade once again through the undergrowth, battle lines are being drawn. On one side, bigotry, racism and the uneducated. On the other the voices of reason, peace and equality. (Andi Ali: August, 2010).
I think ther fact that Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs convicted me of being an extremist for heckling the BNP at a peaceful protest, shows how extremists groups like the BNP are becoming ever more popular amongst British society.....sad as it may be.
BNPGATE: The true story of how and why Her Majestys Revenue and Customs charged Andi Ali with being an extremist for heckling the BNP.
Synopsis: Nobody was more hated within Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs (HMRC) than Andi Ali. His academic research on the British National Party (BNP) made him powerful enemies and he was warned by HMRC management that there could be no place in the Civil Service for any one who rejected the ideology of the Neo Nazi BNP. In this extraordinary autobiography and sequel to Dead Paki Walking: A Study of the BNP, Ali explains how Her Majesty Revenue and Customs charged him with being an extremist for heckling the BNP at a peaceful protest in Burnley. How HMRC investigators switched tapes off during interviews and encouraged staff to submit false sexual allegations against him, in order to ruin his reputation and get him sacked, and how HMRC accused him of expressing support for suicide bombers, because he wore an Arabic headscarf. His most terrifying moment came when he was sacked after he refused to drop complaints of racial harassment and other criminal matters before the Police and Civil Service Commissioners. This is the story of one man's battle to stand up to racism and bigotry within Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs and uphold the liberal values he beliefs
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Click the below link to show BBC report of racism within Her Majesty's Reveune and Customs. What is interesting to note here are comments that 'it was a shock to find the extent of racism within Her Majestys' Revenue and Customs'. It was not. As the internal reports, letters and e-mails from this blog shows, racism is epidemic within the department and HMRC are trying to cover up an even bigger case of racism within it's ranks. One that involves misussing public money and the Neo Nazi BNP.
Ex TUV candidate Ann Cooper voices support for those sacked for racial hassment at HMRC in Belfast "Well done lads. Sorry you got caught. You deserve a medal. We need more like you."
These Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs employees may not have got away with racial harassment at Belfast, but there are plenty at HMRC in Preston who did, like Phil Davies, like Nick Ivell, Tony Smith, and others who falsely accused me of expressing support for suicide bombers, such as Anthony Stansfield....... why are these bigots not being charged with racial harassment? Perhaps Mrs Cooper will take conforst in knowing that there are more like them found guilty of racism in HMRC and unlike them in Belfast....they have so far got away with it.....I say so far.......
These Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs employees may not have got away with racial harassment at Belfast, but there are plenty at HMRC in Preston who did, like Phil Davies, like Nick Ivell, Tony Smith, and others who falsely accused me of expressing support for suicide bombers, such as Anthony Stansfield....... why are these bigots not being charged with racial harassment? Perhaps Mrs Cooper will take conforst in knowing that there are more like them found guilty of racism in HMRC and unlike them in Belfast....they have so far got away with it.....I say so far.......
Friday, August 20, 2010
Dave Hartnett, senior manger in Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs, likely to testify to Civil Service Commissioners that HMRC did charge Andi Ali with being an extremist for heckling the Neo Nazi BNP at a peaceful protest in Bunrley, and HMRC staff did falsely accuse Andi Ali of expressing support for suicide bombers because he wore an Arabic headscarf - which was Racial Harassment.
Dave Hartnett, permanent secretary for tax at HMRC, said "the department operated a zero-tolerance policy on racial discrimination". Hartnett has been cited as a key witness in HMRC 's charged that Andi Ali was an extremist for heckling the BNP, and that when Andi Ali wore an Arabic headscarf, he simply did so to show support for suicide bombers. Mr Hartnett will be asked TO EXPLAIN how that equates with his claim that "the department operated a zero-tolerance policy on racial discrimination"?
Part One of Andi Ali's submission to Bill Brooke Civil Service Commissioners Office regarding Racial Harassment, Victimisation and Discrimination he was subjected to within HMRC, as well as Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs (HMRC) misusing public money to charge him with being an extremist for heckling the Neo Nazi BNP
Submission of case before Civil Service Commissioners
1) When Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs (HMRC) charged me (and found me guilty) of being an extremist for heckling the British National Party (BNP), at a peaceful protest in Burnley, (after my details had been put on a BNP hit list called Redwatch), they breached section 13 of the Civil Service Code which covers Political Impartiality.
This is because Civil Servants:
(A) allow their personal political views to determine advice they gave, for example, HMRC solicitors and mangers should not have misused public funds to charge me with being an extremist for heckling the BNP, and only did so, because it was their personal view that heckling the BNP made me an extremist.
(B) acted in a way that was determined by party political considerations,
(C) used official resources for party political purposes,
(E) allowed their political belifs to determined their actions.
(2) When Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs (HMRC) charged me of expressing support for suicide bombers, sexual harassment and bullying, and then admitted the allegations were false, they breached section 2 of the Civil Service Code which covers its core values of integrity, honesty, objectivity and impartiality.
This is because Civil Servants:
(A) failed to uphold their obligations and put their own personal interests above that of the public service;
(B) failed to uphold it core values of integrity, objectivity and impartiality,
(C) failed to act impartially in deciding the merits of the case,
(D) failed to be objective and base their advice and decisions on a rigious analysis of the evidence.
For example, HMRC investigators switched off tapes during interviews and against recognised procedures, and encouraged staff to submit false allegations of sexual harassment against me. That was not being objective and that was not basing their advice and decisions on a rigorous analysis of the evidence. Quite the opposite.
(3) When Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs (HMRC) charged me falsely of expressing support for suicide bombers, sexual harassment, bullying, and being an extremist for heckling the BNP, they breached section 5 of the Civil Service Code which deals with integrity:
This is because Civil Servants:
(A) failed to act a way that was professional and that deserves and retains the confidence of all those with whom they had dealings;
(B) failed to make sure that public money was used properly and efficiently. (For example, using public money to charge and convict me with being an extremist for heckling the BNP outside of work, was hardly using public money properly and efficiently);
(C) failed to comply with the law and uphold the the administration of justice. (For example, making false sexual allegations against me on more than one occasion, was an offence under the Protection from Harassment Act 1997, and accusing me of expressing support for suicide bombers, was 'Racial Harrassment' which is a criminal offence under the law.
(4) When Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs (HMRC) charged me falsely of expressing support for suicide bombers, sexual harassment, bullying, and being an extremist for heckling the BNP, they breached section 7 of the Civil Service Code which deals with honesty:
This is because Civil Servants:
(A) Failed to set out the facts and relevant issues truthfully, and correct any errors as soon as possible; and,
(B) failed to use resources only for the authorised public purposes for which they were provided,
(5) When Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs (HMRC) told my Member of Parliament that they had not charged me with expressing support for sucide bombers, sexual harassment, bullying, and being an extremist for heckling the BNP, and/or all investigations would be conducted fairly and in accordance with the rules, they breached section 8 of the Civil Service Code which deals with honesty:
This is because Civil Servants:
(A) actions were influenced by the prospect of personal gain, such as promotion
(D) were influenced by improper pressures from other,
(C) deceived and knowling deceived Members of Parliament.
There are other breaches of the Code, but following our discussion on the telephone, two weeks ago, you asked me to put only a few of them in writing so you can beinn an investigation.
Further, when HMRC sacked me after Neil Richardson, and senior manger within HMRC sent me a letter saying, I had breached my contract for amongst things, raising concerns of inappropriate behaviour within HMRC under the Civil Service Code and Public Information Disclosure Act (1998), this was a breach of the code and of the PIDA, which make it unlawful to dismiss staff for raising concerns. Further, what happened at HMRC was unlawful and I am pursing this as a criminal matter.
Finally, one Civil Servant has implied that Civil Servants who commit criminal acts are covered under the Official Secrets Act. I do not take that view. I take the view that Civil Servants who engage in criminal behaviour, such as racial harassment, are bound by the same laws as everybody else. I also stand by my view that there is nothing extremist in heckling the BNP at a peaceful protest. The BNP are a nasty racist party, whose views should have no place in the Civil Service.
Andi Ali
1) When Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs (HMRC) charged me (and found me guilty) of being an extremist for heckling the British National Party (BNP), at a peaceful protest in Burnley, (after my details had been put on a BNP hit list called Redwatch), they breached section 13 of the Civil Service Code which covers Political Impartiality.
This is because Civil Servants:
(A) allow their personal political views to determine advice they gave, for example, HMRC solicitors and mangers should not have misused public funds to charge me with being an extremist for heckling the BNP, and only did so, because it was their personal view that heckling the BNP made me an extremist.
(B) acted in a way that was determined by party political considerations,
(C) used official resources for party political purposes,
(E) allowed their political belifs to determined their actions.
(2) When Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs (HMRC) charged me of expressing support for suicide bombers, sexual harassment and bullying, and then admitted the allegations were false, they breached section 2 of the Civil Service Code which covers its core values of integrity, honesty, objectivity and impartiality.
This is because Civil Servants:
(A) failed to uphold their obligations and put their own personal interests above that of the public service;
(B) failed to uphold it core values of integrity, objectivity and impartiality,
(C) failed to act impartially in deciding the merits of the case,
(D) failed to be objective and base their advice and decisions on a rigious analysis of the evidence.
For example, HMRC investigators switched off tapes during interviews and against recognised procedures, and encouraged staff to submit false allegations of sexual harassment against me. That was not being objective and that was not basing their advice and decisions on a rigorous analysis of the evidence. Quite the opposite.
(3) When Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs (HMRC) charged me falsely of expressing support for suicide bombers, sexual harassment, bullying, and being an extremist for heckling the BNP, they breached section 5 of the Civil Service Code which deals with integrity:
This is because Civil Servants:
(A) failed to act a way that was professional and that deserves and retains the confidence of all those with whom they had dealings;
(B) failed to make sure that public money was used properly and efficiently. (For example, using public money to charge and convict me with being an extremist for heckling the BNP outside of work, was hardly using public money properly and efficiently);
(C) failed to comply with the law and uphold the the administration of justice. (For example, making false sexual allegations against me on more than one occasion, was an offence under the Protection from Harassment Act 1997, and accusing me of expressing support for suicide bombers, was 'Racial Harrassment' which is a criminal offence under the law.
(4) When Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs (HMRC) charged me falsely of expressing support for suicide bombers, sexual harassment, bullying, and being an extremist for heckling the BNP, they breached section 7 of the Civil Service Code which deals with honesty:
This is because Civil Servants:
(A) Failed to set out the facts and relevant issues truthfully, and correct any errors as soon as possible; and,
(B) failed to use resources only for the authorised public purposes for which they were provided,
(5) When Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs (HMRC) told my Member of Parliament that they had not charged me with expressing support for sucide bombers, sexual harassment, bullying, and being an extremist for heckling the BNP, and/or all investigations would be conducted fairly and in accordance with the rules, they breached section 8 of the Civil Service Code which deals with honesty:
This is because Civil Servants:
(A) actions were influenced by the prospect of personal gain, such as promotion
(D) were influenced by improper pressures from other,
(C) deceived and knowling deceived Members of Parliament.
There are other breaches of the Code, but following our discussion on the telephone, two weeks ago, you asked me to put only a few of them in writing so you can beinn an investigation.
Further, when HMRC sacked me after Neil Richardson, and senior manger within HMRC sent me a letter saying, I had breached my contract for amongst things, raising concerns of inappropriate behaviour within HMRC under the Civil Service Code and Public Information Disclosure Act (1998), this was a breach of the code and of the PIDA, which make it unlawful to dismiss staff for raising concerns. Further, what happened at HMRC was unlawful and I am pursing this as a criminal matter.
Finally, one Civil Servant has implied that Civil Servants who commit criminal acts are covered under the Official Secrets Act. I do not take that view. I take the view that Civil Servants who engage in criminal behaviour, such as racial harassment, are bound by the same laws as everybody else. I also stand by my view that there is nothing extremist in heckling the BNP at a peaceful protest. The BNP are a nasty racist party, whose views should have no place in the Civil Service.
Andi Ali
Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs staff found guilty of racial abuse. See here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-11011034 I'm delighted action has been taken. However, racism is endemic within HMRC and the internal HMRC documents, e-mails and reports on here prove it. An investigation in to these matters must be conducted by the Police and Crown Prosecution Service without any further delay.
Three points to note about what happened at HMRC in Belfast though.
1) When HMRC upheld Tony Smith's complaint that I was an extremist for heckling the BNP - that complaint was upheld by Tina Gallagher - Director of HMRC in Belfast.... the very same place were HMRC staff have been found guilty of race discrimination. (If the Director of Revenue and Customs thinks you are an extremist for heckling the BNP at a peaceful protest, then clearly it does not bode well for race relations at HMRC in Belfast). The BNP are after all, a Neo Nazi Party who have advocated the to removal all non whites and Jews from Britain.
2) Dave Hartnett, permanent secretary for tax at HMRC, said "the department operates a zero-tolerance policy on racial discrimination". I'm delighted to hear it, as when HMRC sacked me it was after I had been accused of breaching my contract for raising concerns of inappropriate behaviour under the Public Information Disclosure Act 1998 to the said Dave Hartnett.
3) If the department operates a zero-tolerance policy on racial discrimination as Hartnett claims, then why has HMRC not action been taken against staff and managers who racially harassed me? For example,
(A) Why has Nick Ivell, Tim Fisher, Tony Smith not been dismissed for falsely accusing me of expressing support for 'sucide bombers'?
(B) Why has Joanne Lewis, Scott Turner and Anthony Stansfield not been dismissed for falsely accusing me of sexual harassment, as Neo Nazis had been doing prior to this, because of my academic studies on the BNP.
(C) Why has nobody in HMRC been dismissed for misusing public money to charge me with being an extremist for heckling the BNP at a peaceful protest in Burnley?
1) When HMRC upheld Tony Smith's complaint that I was an extremist for heckling the BNP - that complaint was upheld by Tina Gallagher - Director of HMRC in Belfast.... the very same place were HMRC staff have been found guilty of race discrimination. (If the Director of Revenue and Customs thinks you are an extremist for heckling the BNP at a peaceful protest, then clearly it does not bode well for race relations at HMRC in Belfast). The BNP are after all, a Neo Nazi Party who have advocated the to removal all non whites and Jews from Britain.
2) Dave Hartnett, permanent secretary for tax at HMRC, said "the department operates a zero-tolerance policy on racial discrimination". I'm delighted to hear it, as when HMRC sacked me it was after I had been accused of breaching my contract for raising concerns of inappropriate behaviour under the Public Information Disclosure Act 1998 to the said Dave Hartnett.
3) If the department operates a zero-tolerance policy on racial discrimination as Hartnett claims, then why has HMRC not action been taken against staff and managers who racially harassed me? For example,
(A) Why has Nick Ivell, Tim Fisher, Tony Smith not been dismissed for falsely accusing me of expressing support for 'sucide bombers'?
(B) Why has Joanne Lewis, Scott Turner and Anthony Stansfield not been dismissed for falsely accusing me of sexual harassment, as Neo Nazis had been doing prior to this, because of my academic studies on the BNP.
(C) Why has nobody in HMRC been dismissed for misusing public money to charge me with being an extremist for heckling the BNP at a peaceful protest in Burnley?
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Wendy Outhwaite QC - One Crown Office Row - is likely to testify to the Police that Her Majestys Revenue and Customs charged Andi Ali with being an extremist for heckling the BNP.
If true, Andi is very grateful that such an eminent barrister would step forward and do this on his behalf.
Monday, August 2, 2010
You can order my autobiography Dead Paki Walking :A Study of the BNP by going here http://www.amazon.com/Dead-Paki-Walking-Study-ebook/dp/B003YUCPZG/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&m=A7B2F8DUJ88VZ&s=digital-text&qid=1281735982&sr=8-2

Saturday, July 31, 2010
Peter Tatchell doing a great job standing up the BNP and confronting BNP leader, Nick Griffin. But when Andi Ali did the same, he was charged, convicted and sacked by Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs with being an extremist. Peter Tatchell is right. The BNP are anti gay, anti muslim and anti seamitic scum. How does that make Andi Ali or anyone else an extremist for heckling a Neo Nazi group like the BNP
Peter Tatchell doing a great job standing up the BNP and confronting BNP leader, Nick Griffin.
Friday, July 30, 2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Phil Davies telling HMRC invesitigators that he was "Under the impression that having signed the Offcial Secrets Act, criminal behaviour within Her Majestys Revunue and Customs was an internal matter". Oh no it's not Phil! Goverment departments cannot hide behind the Official Secrets Act to cover up criminal behaviour by staff, as I intend to show.
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This is an internal e-mail which proofs that I submitted complaints against Tony Smith and other members of staff prior to their complaints ...
I was told that saying you would like sugar in your tea to a female member of staff could be harassment (I kid you not) but when HMRC staff ...