Monday, March 1, 2010

Spoke with Bill Brooke on the phone today and emailed him copy of HMRC report prooving bullying within Civil Service

I could tell by Bill Brookes voice that the Civil Service Commissioners are now beginning to doubt HMRC version of events - not that it matters. The report, and others I have sent to the Commissioners prove it. The Commissioners say they want more time - how much time do they need? This has been ongoing for years. The report as well as proving HMRC misused public funds by charging me with being an extremist for heckling the BNP, also proves I was the victim of bullying. (HMRC described it as low level harassment in the Ian Wright and Dona Todd report). Any form of harassment is bullying, and I expect the Commissioners to take action. For the record though, the harassment wasn't low level, it was more than that - and constitutes a criminal offence under the Protection from Harassment Act 1997.


Anonymous said...

Good for you Andi. I work at the Tax Credit Office in Preston, and you have support. The BNP supporters at the TCO must not be allowed to get away with it. Good to see you are bringing this matter to public attention.

Anonymous said...

Good work Andi your a brave fella.