Thursday, May 20, 2010

Never in a million years will I agree with Her Majestry's Revenue and Customs that I am an extremist for heckling Neo Nazi BNP bigots like this

Never in a million years will I ever agree with Her Majestry's Revenue and Customs that I am an extremist for heckling Neo Nazi BNP bigots like this at a peaceful protest in Burnley, and never will I acept that Civil Servants have the right to use an internal grievance Civil Service procedure to complain about people conducting academic research on the BNP, or to label them an extremist for heckling the BNP,and Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs have the right to sack people because they upheld this ridiculous charge. The is nothing extremist about heckling the BNP at a peaceful protest. The BNP are a nasty horrible racist party, who want to remove all none whites from British shores as well as Jews. People should be appaullded for protesting peacefully aginst these racist bigots, not charged and dismissed by Her Majestry's Revenue and Customs for doing do.

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