Saturday, May 15, 2010

Even some HMRC investigators are admitting that the claims made against me by Civil Servants were lies click on the links and see for yourself.

This is what two Her Majestry's Revenue and Customs investigators Dave King and Janet Robinson concluded in their report, when Scott Turner a senior manger told them I had behaved inaproppriately to a work nurse called Mandy Brennan. (Please bear in mind that King and Robbinson had been switching tapes off against HMRC procedure and incourageing staff to make complaints against me when they were switiched on. See posting dated Wdnesday 12 May 2010 entitled, "Here is proof HMRC investigators were switiching tapes off aginst procedures and encourging staff to put in complaints before switiching them back on" for proof.)

Now compare and contrast this to what another pair of HMRC invesitgators Ian Wright and Donna Todd concluded when they condcuted and investigation two years (yes two years) later when HMRC decided to interview Mandy Brennan and was told by the nurse that Turnner's accound was completely false.

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